The excitement and spirit of Missionary Work keeps growing strong. We finished the month of August with 63 children of God entering the waters of baptism, and reaching record highs of disciples attending church. We are so pleased to see that more and more people are having the blessing of partaking of the Sacrament. We know that this is what Jesus would want for them.

This last week, we received a special visit from Elder Walter F. Gonzalez, who came to do an Evaluation of the Pilot Plan that we are involved in, and what we were doing to have success. He analyzed the ministration, our use of the Book of Mormon in our teaching, and how we are helping less actives attend church. It was very edifying, and he was happy to see that we were all so involved in Missionary Work. It is such a blessing to serve, and be representatives of Jesus Christ.

This month of September is very important for us. For one, is the the month of the Famous 'Fiestas Patrias' or Celebration of the Chile's independence. Chile goes crazy, and we will need to work hard to keep up with them. This month, the Attendance is measured, and it will serve as a measurement of just how effective the Plan Piloto was. We must give it our all, and seek to serve with all of our Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength. May the Lord be with you all, and may your prayers help us to keep moving forward.